Subject:                    Anti-Racism Pledge Update


Date of meeting:    10 March 2022


Report of:                 Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities


Contact Officer:      Name: Emma Mcdermott

                                    Tel: 01273 291577



Ward(s) affected:   All



For general release



1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         The initial report on actions being taken by the council towards becoming an anti-racist council was presented at TECC committee on 29th July 2020 and an update was presented on 19th November 2020. At this meeting officers were instructed to provide brief updates as a standing item at every TECC committee meeting.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That Committee notes the report.


2.2         That Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities to award the £110,000 – previously allocated to the World Reimagined Project - in accordance with the broad principles set out at paragraph 3.7.5. and with oversight from the cross-party Members Advisory Group for the council’s Voluntary Community Sector grant programme.


2.3         That Committee approves the use of funds allocated to the cultural    programme of the World Reimagined Project to establish a budget of £50,000 for uses outlined in paragraph 3.7.5 which will be part of the ABCD Plan for Cultural Recovery. 



3.            Context and background information


3.1      This report should be read in context of the previous reports starting with the         report to a special TECC committee meeting in in June 2020 through to the      last report in November 2021.


3.2       Updates are noted where specific activities or progress has been made.   


3.3       Engagement


3.3.1   The eighth meeting of the anti-racism Community Advisory Group is                        scheduled for for 16th March. The meeting is with  council officers from the        Families, Children and Learning directorate to discuss the council’s anti-  racism project on children social work, fostering and adoption. It will also             receive an update on the council’s anti-racism strategy in schools             work.


3.3.2   The council’s community engagement officer focused on working with the BME residents and groups, continues to reach out and build trust and            confidence with groups and residents in the city. Alongside direct outreach        to residents and groups the officer is producing a 6-weekly bulletin to BME         groups in the city to facilitate networking and information sharing between             groups and provide information about the council of relevance to the groups.         The officer is working with groups to enable community-led and community       specific discussions about their experience of racism and racial inequality.         Funding has been made available to enable these community-led          discussions. First two projects receiving funding are with BARCO and             Bridging the Change.


3.3.3   The community engagement officer has also established a monthly meeting with other community engagement colleagues to facilitate internal discussions about anti-racism. Colleagues have discussed topics such as micro-aggressions, white privilege and institutional racism, with particular focus on how these concepts manifest at a local level in order to inform future engagement. The meeting has also provided a platform for members of the community to share their work and expertise with the team. Guest speakers have included a representative from BARCO, with representatives from Brighton & Hove Jewish Community booked for March and further slots available for others in the next financial year.


3.4      Education and young people


3.4.1   With the commencement of the anti-racist education advisor, two     governance bodies were established to support the strategy: A community         advisory group to provide direction and scrutiny made up of community     representatives, parents and carers and young people with lived experience    of racism. An implementation group also formed comprised of education    leaders and educators, tasked with providing direction and enabling          implementation of the strategy. The strategy racial literacy training continued tobe rolled out with some settings opting for setting-specific training. A      group of primary educators has been working on a racial literacy curriculum             framework for KS1 and KS2 and sharing good practice across settings. A group of educators were supported to develop PHSE resources for World      Afro Day and anti-bullying week. A pupils of colour mentoring project was piloted in a secondary school alongside a pilot project to improve responses         to racist incidents.

            An updated version of the strategy and accompanying roadmap will be       shared with the Children and Young People’s Skills Committee in March         2022.

            Work continues with families that experience racism through the anti-racist            project in the Children’s Safeguarding & Care service. It is chaired by one of   our Black social workers. The project has developed an action plan with staff and this includes workstreams on the voice of children and families and   practice with families. There is also a programme of bespoke learning             events and regular anti-racist practice discussions to support staff. This work        is well supported by our Practitioner for Anti-Racist Practice.

3.5      Council workforce


3.5.1   The 6-month Diverse Talent development programme launched in January           2022. The initial programme is being offered to 16 BME staff, to support            their career progression, as council workforce data shows that BME staff are          not proportionately represented in roles graded SO1/2 and above. The      learning outcomes include:


·         Prepare and develop for staff for their next role within the council

·         Develop their knowledge, experience, skills and confidence to be part of an inclusive culture and influence for change in the organisation if you choose to do so

·         Deepen their self-awareness and leverage their strengths

·         Learn about key management and leadership theories

·         Develop their communication, presentation and interpersonal skills

·         Understand organisational context, to help you shape and influence your own career progression

The first session has been delivered and well received. Sponsors from Leadership Network have been identified and matching will take place at the second session in February.

A new eLearning module for staff on Allyship was launched in February.

The programme of Anti Racist training for this financial year has concluded, with a programme for 22/23 being commissioned.

HR Diversity Recruitment Consultant actions include:


·         Collaborating with the council’s Adult Education Hub and other community partners to support employability skills training, for example, Next Steps for ESOL learners

·         Attendance at virtual Universities careers fairs (Nov 2021 and Feb 2022)

·         Delivering fortnightly inclusive recruitment surgeries to offer timely advice to recruiting managers, such as inclusive advert writing, promotion of roles on social media and developing inclusive shortlisting questions



3.7      Our Legacy


3.7.1   The council has allocated funding of £10,000 to the first phase of the ‘Our Legacy’ project which entails tendering for a series of      expert facilitated       session that engage with all city stakeholders on enslavement and            colonisation, responses from Brighton & Hove to the slave trade and       colonialism, and future memorial and celebration of our city. The purpose of          the commission is to independently scope, plan, deliver and evaluate a programme of strategic forums and community engagement activities for the    development of the ‘Our Legacy’ project.   This initiative aims to examine   local    heritage and history to discover more about shared colonial legacy-           exploring the extent to which the prosperity which helped build the city was             dependent upon colonial exploitation.  Our legacy as a city sits within a      contested arena, with deeply held views concerning our common colonial         history and links with enslavement and its impact on our past and present            from a range of perspectives, and with some critical areas lacking an      informed consensus. Therefore, a sensitive, thoughtfully planned and         inclusive approach to the debate and any significant future action is     required.


3.7.3   Small scale projects have been taking place. Firstly, following a detailed     engagement exercise with local residents, primary school and community groups the council has officially renamed its new temporary accommodation      on Hartington Road Manoj House. Local people had the opportunity to     submit their suggestions to a local panel of residents, school representatives             and ward councilors who generated a short-list and made the final   recommendation to the council for sign-off. Plans are underway for a     celebration and unveiling of the new name in due course.


3.7.4   The name ‘Manoj House’ is in commemoration and respect for Manoj Natha-        Hansen who was a teacher at St Martin’s Primary School. Sadly, he died      suddenly in September 2020. He was a teacher for eighteen years and            specialised in Special Educational Needs. Manoj won awards from the           National Education Union for his campaigning work for minority groups                         working in education. Family members have been involved and are supportive of the decision.

3.7.3   Discussion is taking place with representatives of the Coombe Rd Local     Action team around the “South Africa Streets” a collection of streets off     Lewes Road named for places, events and people connected to the second       Boer War. Working with residents we are considering the potential for   arts/public realm interventions to explore the meaning and impact of this             remembrance for our city.

3.7.4   In January 2022 the organisers of the World Reimagined (TWR) announced         that they won’t be progressing their art education project as originally planned for the city. A trail of large-scale globe sculptures to challenge         understanding of the transatlantic slave trade and its impact had been due           to come to the city between August – October 2022. There will still be             opportunities for local artists and schools to be involved with other elements          of the scheme.  

3.7.5   The £160,000 committed to the city’s participation has been retained          and ringfenced to support the ambition of the Council’s anti-          racism work to          see an ever-stronger Black, Asian and ethnic minority led community and    voluntary group sector as well as supporting cultural             recovery work that   aligns with this. Further discussions and co-production with             communities is          necessary before firm decisions are made on use of this         funding.             Member oversight of the £110,000 funding to support the BME VCS will     be via the well-established cross-party Members Advisory Group which        oversees the council’s VCS grant programme. An update on the funding    will be provided to TECC committee as part of the standing item on           Anti-    Racism Pledge update. Existing grant making protocols and processes will             followed to award the funding.

3.7.6   The allocation of £50,000 from TWR budget will support the ABCD Plan for Cultural Recovery to further develop an inclusive cultural offer. The recovery plan supports a clear set of values and principles that make the city a better place to work for Cultural Workers and to tries to ensure that no one is left out or left behind. Key areas for support have been identified.  These are:  anti-racism, intersectionality, inclusivity, collaboration, empathy, dignity, respect, bravery, boldness, paying people on time and openness.


3.7.7   The ABCD Governance Board will develop a call for a number of small projects in 2022/23 which address the issues in paragraph 3.7.5 above, enabling the city’s creative sector to respond through arts projects to further the council’s aims expressed in our pledge to become anti-racist and which will cultivate inclusive cultural leadership and programming.


 3.8      BME community and voluntary sector


            From the council’s annual VCS grant’s programme - the Communities Fund          2021/22 - 23 grants were awarded to 21 BME groups/organisations to the        value of £77,080. This out of a total budget of £384,146 and 76 awards made to date.


            This is broken down into Communities Fund rounds 1-3 grants of £65,700 and BME Engagement Fund at £11,380.



3.9       Emergency food


            The council has allocated funding of £15,000 for an exploratory piece of     research on the emergency food access needs of Black, Asian and Minority   Ethnic communities and Refugees & Asylum Seekers. The aim is for the city   to have a better understanding of the different communities access            needs             and of best practice by providers in meeting needs, and to make             recommendations on strengthening organisations providing support. The   commi ssion aims to reduce inequality and address immediate                  concerns about malnutrition, health and wellbeing. The project is     scheduled to start April 2022 and report in early Autumn 2022.



 3.10   Community Safety


            The Local Authority is currently working with three local services and the    Police to develop Hate Crime Third Party Reporting Centres, with a         proposed opening    date of 1 April 2022. These centres will run for a year as          a pilot. It is acknowledged as good practice to have such reporting        mechanisms in place, so as to allow people to report Hate Crime to non-    statutory bodies and to receive support. The reports made to these centres    will be shared with Police and/or the council’s Safer Communities Team with       the reporters consent. These reporting centres are being funded through            COMF funding of £60,000.

The reporting centres will be based at:

• Possibility People, Montague House

• Racial Harassment Forum, BMECP, Fleet Street

• Rainbow Hub, Ledward Centre

The model that will be used is based on research undertaken by the Safer Communities Team into areas where third party reporting has been successfully implemented, and consultation with local community groups and organisations.

A working group is currently finalising the reporting and monitoring systems, a local directory of relevant support services, producing publicity that will advertise the reporting centres, and devising training for staff who will be working in the reporting centres and receiving Hate Crime reports. This working group will meet quarterly to review and evaluate the success of the project with the objective of securing further funding to make the centres sustainable.


3.11    Civic Leadership



Partial funding has been identified to support a civic leadership programme delivered by Operation Black Vote. Officers have confirmed that the provider is still in a position to run the programme.


Subject to identification of sufficient funding the programme is expected to commence late Spring 2022



4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1         The progress outlined above is on actions undertaken in response to the council’s pledge to become an anti-racist council, anti-racism Notices of Motion and petitions accepted by full council/committees and previously Member agreed work under the Fair & Inclusive Action Plan.


5.            Community engagement and consultation


5.1       Engagement as outlined above in section 3.



6.            Conclusion


6.1       TECC committee requested a standing item on every agenda updating on             progress towards the council’s anti-racism commitments.


6.2       This report updates on progress and the contents are for Members to note.


7.            Financial implications


7.1       Project management and leadership of the work is being carried out as part          of core business of the Communities, Equality and Third Sector (CETS)       team. A budget of £10,000 has been allocated from the CETS initiatives             budget to support the work. Financial implications arising from the other          actions identified in the report will be considered by the relevant service as        part of their standard budget management processes and decisions on      allocation of funding will be made in line with council’s budget setting         process.


            The £0.160m funding referred to in paragraph 3.7.4 of the report was          allocated and ring-fenced as part of the 2020/21 TBM outturn report to P&R       Committee in July 2021.


Name of finance officer consulted: Mike Bentley           Date consulted 15/02/22.


8.            Legal implications


8.1       There are no legal implications arising from this report. All the actions         proposed are in line with the Council’s powers and duties, in particular             under the Equality Act 2010.


Name of lawyer consulted: Alice Rowland    Date consulted: 10/02/22


9.            Equalities implications


9.1       The intention of this work is to address identified racial inequalities and      racism experienced by people who live in, work in and visit the city. The            range of engagement planned with people who share other characteristics in     addition to their ethnicity will ensure that perspectives are heard from a wide        range of people. This will enable the development of tailored and bespoke     actions to address all forms of racism, where it is based on ethnicity, skin           color or any other attribute.


9.2       The work is central to the council’s legal duties under the Equality Act 2010           to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good   relations between communities, as well as to encourage civic engagement   by under-represented groups. It also complements and supports the            council’s Fair & Inclusive Action Plan in addressing the findings of the review      of race equality by Global HPO.


10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      No sustainability implication arise from this report.



11.         Other Implications


Social Value and procurement implications


11.1      No direct social value and procurement implications arise from this report.


Crime & disorder implications:


11.2      Crime and disorder implications are covered in section 3.10 above.


Public Health implications:


11.3      No direct public health implications arising from the report.